Treelite C API

Treelite exposes a set of C functions to enable interfacing with a variety of languages. This page will be most useful for:

  • those writing a new language binding (glue code).

  • those wanting to incorporate functions of Treelite into their own native libraries.

We recommend the Python API for everyday uses.


Use of C and C++ in Treelite

Core logic of Treelite are written in C++ to take advantage of higher abstractions. We provide C only interface here, as many more programming languages bind with C than with C++. See this page for more details.

Data matrix interface

Use the following functions to load and manipulate data from a variety of sources.

int TreeliteDMatrixCreateFromFile(const char *path, const char *format, const char *data_type, int nthread, int verbose, DMatrixHandle *out)

create a sparse DMatrix from a file


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • path: file path

  • format: file format

  • nthread: number of threads to use

  • verbose: whether to produce extra messages

  • out: the created DMatrix

int TreeliteDMatrixCreateFromCSR(const void *data, const char *data_type, const uint32_t *col_ind, const size_t *row_ptr, size_t num_row, size_t num_col, DMatrixHandle *out)

create DMatrix from a (in-memory) CSR matrix


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • data: feature values

  • data_type: Type of data elements

  • col_ind: feature indices

  • row_ptr: pointer to row headers

  • num_row: number of rows

  • num_col: number of columns

  • out: the created DMatrix

int TreeliteDMatrixCreateFromMat(const void *data, const char *data_type, size_t num_row, size_t num_col, const void *missing_value, DMatrixHandle *out)

create DMatrix from a (in-memory) dense matrix


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • data: feature values

  • data_type: Type of data elements

  • num_row: number of rows

  • num_col: number of columns

  • missing_value: value to represent missing value

  • out: the created DMatrix

int TreeliteDMatrixGetDimension(DMatrixHandle handle, size_t *out_num_row, size_t *out_num_col, size_t *out_nelem)

get dimensions of a DMatrix


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: handle to DMatrix

  • out_num_row: used to set number of rows

  • out_num_col: used to set number of columns

  • out_nelem: used to set number of nonzero entries

int TreeliteDMatrixFree(DMatrixHandle handle)

delete DMatrix from memory


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: handle to DMatrix

Branch annotator interface

Use the following functions to annotate branches in decision trees.

int TreeliteAnnotateBranch(ModelHandle model, DMatrixHandle dmat, int nthread, int verbose, AnnotationHandle *out)

annotate branches in a given model using frequency patterns in the training data.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • model: model to annotate

  • dmat: training data matrix

  • nthread: number of threads to use

  • verbose: whether to produce extra messages

  • out: used to save handle for the created annotation

int TreeliteAnnotationSave(AnnotationHandle handle, const char *path)

save branch annotation to a JSON file


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: annotation to save

  • path: path to JSON file

int TreeliteAnnotationFree(AnnotationHandle handle)

delete branch annotation from memory


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: annotation to remove

Compiler interface

Use the following functions to produce optimize prediction subroutine (in C) from a given decision tree ensemble.

int TreeliteCompilerCreate(const char *name, CompilerHandle *out)

create a compiler with a given name


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • name: name of compiler

  • out: created compiler

int TreeliteCompilerSetParam(CompilerHandle handle, const char *name, const char *value)

set a parameter for a compiler


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: compiler

  • name: name of parameter

  • value: value of parameter

int TreeliteCompilerGenerateCode(CompilerHandle compiler, ModelHandle model, int verbose, const char *dirpath)

generate prediction code from a tree ensemble model. The code will be C99 compliant. One header file (.h) will be generated, along with one or more source files (.c).

Usage example:

TreeliteCompilerGenerateCode(compiler, model, 1, "./my/model");
// files to generate: ./my/model/header.h, ./my/model/main.c
// if parallel compilation is enabled:
// ./my/model/header.h, ./my/model/main.c, ./my/model/tu0.c,
// ./my/model/tu1.c, and so forth

0 for success, -1 for failure

  • compiler: handle for compiler

  • model: handle for tree ensemble model

  • verbose: whether to produce extra messages

  • dirpath: directory to store header and source files

int TreeliteCompilerFree(CompilerHandle handle)

delete compiler from memory


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: compiler to remove

Model loader interface

Use the following functions to load decision tree ensemble models from a file. Treelite supports multiple model file formats.

int TreeliteLoadLightGBMModel(const char *filename, ModelHandle *out)

load a model file generated by LightGBM (Microsoft/LightGBM). The model file must contain a decision tree ensemble.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • filename: name of model file

  • out: loaded model

int TreeliteLoadXGBoostModel(const char *filename, ModelHandle *out)

load a model file generated by XGBoost (dmlc/xgboost). The model file must contain a decision tree ensemble.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • filename: name of model file

  • out: loaded model

int TreeliteLoadXGBoostJSON(const char *filename, ModelHandle *out)

load a json model file generated by XGBoost (dmlc/xgboost). The model file must contain a decision tree ensemble.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • filename: name of model file

  • out: loaded model

int TreeliteLoadXGBoostJSONString(const char *json_str, size_t length, ModelHandle *out)

load a model stored as JSON stringby XGBoost (dmlc/xgboost). The model json must contain a decision tree ensemble.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • json_str: the string containing the JSON model specification

  • length: the length of the JSON string

  • out: loaded model

int TreeliteLoadXGBoostModelFromMemoryBuffer(const void *buf, size_t len, ModelHandle *out)

load an XGBoost model from a memory buffer.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • buf: memory buffer

  • len: size of memory buffer

  • out: loaded model

int TreeliteLoadSKLearnRandomForestRegressor(int n_estimators, int n_features, const int64_t *node_count, const int64_t **children_left, const int64_t **children_right, const int64_t **feature, const double **threshold, const double **value, const int64_t **n_node_samples, const double **impurity, ModelHandle *out)

Load a scikit-learn random forest regressor model from a collection of arrays. Refer to to learn the mearning of the arrays in detail. Note that this function can also be used to load an ensemble of extremely randomized trees (sklearn.ensemble.ExtraTreesRegressor).


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • n_estimators: number of trees in the random forest

  • n_features: number of features in the training data

  • node_count: node_count[i] stores the number of nodes in the i-th tree

  • children_left: children_left[i][k] stores the ID of the left child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • children_right: children_right[i][k] stores the ID of the right child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • feature: feature[i][k] stores the ID of the feature used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • threshold: threshold[i][k] stores the threshold used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • value: value[i][k] stores the leaf output of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is a leaf node.

  • n_node_samples: n_node_samples[i][k] stores the number of data samples associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • impurity: impurity[i][k] stores the impurity measure (gini, entropy etc) associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • out: pointer to store the loaded model

int TreeliteLoadSKLearnRandomForestClassifier(int n_estimators, int n_features, int n_classes, const int64_t *node_count, const int64_t **children_left, const int64_t **children_right, const int64_t **feature, const double **threshold, const double **value, const int64_t **n_node_samples, const double **impurity, ModelHandle *out)

Load a scikit-learn random forest classifier model from a collection of arrays. Refer to to learn the mearning of the arrays in detail. Note that this function can also be used to load an ensemble of extremely randomized trees (sklearn.ensemble.ExtraTreesClassifier).


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • n_estimators: number of trees in the random forest

  • n_features: number of features in the training data

  • n_classes: number of classes in the target variable

  • node_count: node_count[i] stores the number of nodes in the i-th tree

  • children_left: children_left[i][k] stores the ID of the left child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • children_right: children_right[i][k] stores the ID of the right child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • feature: feature[i][k] stores the ID of the feature used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • threshold: threshold[i][k] stores the threshold used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • value: value[i][k] stores the leaf output of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is a leaf node.

  • n_node_samples: n_node_samples[i][k] stores the number of data samples associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • impurity: impurity[i][k] stores the impurity measure (gini, entropy etc) associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • out: pointer to store the loaded model

int TreeliteLoadSKLearnGradientBoostingRegressor(int n_estimators, int n_features, const int64_t *node_count, const int64_t **children_left, const int64_t **children_right, const int64_t **feature, const double **threshold, const double **value, const int64_t **n_node_samples, const double **impurity, ModelHandle *out)

Load a scikit-learn gradient boosting regressor model from a collection of arrays. Refer to to learn the mearning of the arrays in detail.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • n_estimators: number of trees in the random forest

  • n_features: number of features in the training data

  • node_count: node_count[i] stores the number of nodes in the i-th tree

  • children_left: children_left[i][k] stores the ID of the left child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • children_right: children_right[i][k] stores the ID of the right child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • feature: feature[i][k] stores the ID of the feature used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • threshold: threshold[i][k] stores the threshold used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • value: value[i][k] stores the leaf output of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is a leaf node.

  • n_node_samples: n_node_samples[i][k] stores the number of data samples associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • impurity: impurity[i][k] stores the impurity measure (gini, entropy etc) associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • out: pointer to store the loaded model

int TreeliteLoadSKLearnGradientBoostingClassifier(int n_estimators, int n_features, int n_classes, const int64_t *node_count, const int64_t **children_left, const int64_t **children_right, const int64_t **feature, const double **threshold, const double **value, const int64_t **n_node_samples, const double **impurity, ModelHandle *out)

Load a scikit-learn gradient boosting classifier model from a collection of arrays. Refer to to learn the mearning of the arrays in detail.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • n_estimators: number of trees in the random forest

  • n_features: number of features in the training data

  • n_classes: number of classes in the target variable

  • node_count: node_count[i] stores the number of nodes in the i-th tree

  • children_left: children_left[i][k] stores the ID of the left child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • children_right: children_right[i][k] stores the ID of the right child node of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • feature: feature[i][k] stores the ID of the feature used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • threshold: threshold[i][k] stores the threshold used in the binary tree split at node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is an internal (non-leaf) node.

  • value: value[i][k] stores the leaf output of node k of the i-th tree. This is only defined if node k is a leaf node.

  • n_node_samples: n_node_samples[i][k] stores the number of data samples associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • impurity: impurity[i][k] stores the impurity measure (gini, entropy etc) associated with node k of the i-th tree.

  • out: pointer to store the loaded model

int TreeliteQueryNumTree(ModelHandle handle, size_t *out)

Query the number of trees in the model.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: model to query

  • out: number of trees

int TreeliteQueryNumFeature(ModelHandle handle, size_t *out)

Query the number of features used in the model.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: model to query

  • out: number of features

int TreeliteQueryNumClass(ModelHandle handle, size_t *out)

Query the number of classes of the model. (1 if the model is binary classifier or regressor)


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: model to query

  • out: number of output groups

int TreeliteSetTreeLimit(ModelHandle handle, size_t limit)

keep first N trees of model, limit must smaller than number of trees.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: model

  • limit: number of trees to keep

int TreeliteSerializeModel(const char *filename, ModelHandle handle)

Serialize (persist) a model object to disk.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • filename: name of the file to which to serialize the model. The file will be using a binary format that’s optimized to store the Treelite model object efficiently.

  • handle: handle to the model object

int TreeliteDeserializeModel(const char *filename, ModelHandle *out)

Deserialize (load) a model object from disk.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • filename: name of the file from which to deserialize the model. The file should be created by a call to TreeliteSerializeModel().

  • handle: handle to the model object

int TreeliteFreeModel(ModelHandle handle)

delete model from memory


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: model to remove

Model builder interface

Use the following functions to incrementally build decisio n tree ensemble models.

int TreeliteTreeBuilderCreateValue(const void *init_value, const char *type, ValueHandle *out)

Create a new Value object. Some model builder API functions accept this Value type to accommodate values of multiple types.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • init_value: pointer to the value to be stored

  • type: Type of the value to be stored

  • out: newly created Value object

int TreeliteTreeBuilderDeleteValue(ValueHandle handle)

Delete a Value object from memory.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: pointer to the Value object to be deleted

int TreeliteCreateTreeBuilder(const char *threshold_type, const char *leaf_output_type, TreeBuilderHandle *out)

Create a new tree builder.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • threshold_type: Type of thresholds in numerical splits. All thresholds in a given model must have the same type.

  • leaf_output_type: Type of leaf outputs. All leaf outputs in a given model must have the same type.

  • out: newly created tree builder

int TreeliteDeleteTreeBuilder(TreeBuilderHandle handle)

Delete a tree builder from memory.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder to remove

int TreeliteTreeBuilderCreateNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key)

Create an empty node within a tree.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the new node

int TreeliteTreeBuilderDeleteNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key)

Remove a node from a tree.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the node to be removed

int TreeliteTreeBuilderSetRootNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key)

Set a node as the root of a tree.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the root node

int TreeliteTreeBuilderSetNumericalTestNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key, unsigned feature_id, const char *opname, ValueHandle threshold, int default_left, int left_child_key, int right_child_key)

Turn an empty node into a test node with numerical split. The test is in the form [feature value] OP [threshold]. Depending on the result of the test, either left or right child would be taken.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the node being modified; this node needs to be empty

  • feature_id: id of feature

  • opname: binary operator to use in the test

  • threshold: threshold value

  • default_left: default direction for missing values

  • left_child_key: unique integer key to identify the left child node

  • right_child_key: unique integer key to identify the right child node

int TreeliteTreeBuilderSetCategoricalTestNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key, unsigned feature_id, const unsigned int *left_categories, size_t left_categories_len, int default_left, int left_child_key, int right_child_key)

Turn an empty node into a test node with categorical split. A list defines all categories that would be classified as the left side. Categories are integers ranging from 0 to (n-1), where n is the number of categories in that particular feature. Let’s assume n <= 64.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the node being modified; this node needs to be empty

  • feature_id: id of feature

  • left_categories: list of categories belonging to the left child

  • left_categories_len: length of left_cateogries

  • default_left: default direction for missing values

  • left_child_key: unique integer key to identify the left child node

  • right_child_key: unique integer key to identify the right child node

int TreeliteTreeBuilderSetLeafNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key, ValueHandle leaf_value)

Turn an empty node into a leaf node.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the node being modified; this node needs to be empty

  • leaf_value: leaf value (weight) of the leaf node

int TreeliteTreeBuilderSetLeafVectorNode(TreeBuilderHandle handle, int node_key, const ValueHandle *leaf_vector, size_t leaf_vector_len)

Turn an empty node into a leaf vector node The leaf vector (collection of multiple leaf weights per leaf node) is useful for multi-class random forest classifier.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: tree builder

  • node_key: unique integer key to identify the node being modified; this node needs to be empty

  • leaf_vector: leaf vector of the leaf node

  • leaf_vector_len: length of leaf_vector

int TreeliteCreateModelBuilder(int num_feature, int num_class, int average_tree_output, const char *threshold_type, const char *leaf_output_type, ModelBuilderHandle *out)

Create a new model builder.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • num_feature: number of features used in model being built. We assume that all feature indices are between 0 and (num_feature - 1).

  • num_class: number of output groups. Set to 1 for binary classification and regression; >1 for multiclass classification

  • average_tree_output: whether the outputs from the trees should be averaged (!=0 yes, =0 no)

  • threshold_type: Type of thresholds in numerical splits. All thresholds in a given model must have the same type.

  • leaf_output_type: Type of leaf outputs. All leaf outputs in a given model must have the same type.

  • out: newly created model builder

int TreeliteModelBuilderSetModelParam(ModelBuilderHandle handle, const char *name, const char *value)

Set a model parameter.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder

  • name: name of parameter

  • value: value of parameter

int TreeliteDeleteModelBuilder(ModelBuilderHandle handle)

Delete a model builder from memory.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder to remove

int TreeliteModelBuilderInsertTree(ModelBuilderHandle handle, TreeBuilderHandle tree_builder, int index)

Insert a tree at specified location.


index of the new tree within the ensemble; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder

  • tree_builder: builder for the tree to be inserted. The tree must not be part of any other existing tree ensemble. Note: The tree_builder argument will become unusuable after the tree insertion. Should you want to modify the tree afterwards, use GetTree(*) method to get a fresh handle to the tree.

  • index: index of the element before which to insert the tree; use -1 to insert at the end

int TreeliteModelBuilderGetTree(ModelBuilderHandle handle, int index, TreeBuilderHandle *out)

Get a reference to a tree in the ensemble.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder

  • index: index of the tree in the ensemble

  • out: used to save reference to the tree

int TreeliteModelBuilderDeleteTree(ModelBuilderHandle handle, int index)

Remove a tree from the ensemble.


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder

  • index: index of the tree that would be removed

int TreeliteModelBuilderCommitModel(ModelBuilderHandle handle, ModelHandle *out)

finalize the model and produce the in-memory representation


0 for success; -1 for failure

  • handle: model builder

  • out: used to save handle to in-memory representation of the finished model

Predictor interface

Use the following functions to load compiled prediction subroutines from shared libraries and to make predictions.

int TreelitePredictorLoad(const char *library_path, int num_worker_thread, PredictorHandle *out)

load prediction code into memory. This function assumes that the prediction code has been already compiled into a dynamic shared library object (.so/.dll/.dylib).


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • library_path: path to library object file containing prediction code

  • num_worker_thread: number of worker threads (-1 to use max number)

  • out: handle to predictor

int TreelitePredictorPredictBatch(PredictorHandle handle, DMatrixHandle batch, int verbose, int pred_margin, PredictorOutputHandle out_result, size_t *out_result_size)

Make predictions on a batch of data rows (synchronously). This function internally divides the workload among all worker threads.

Note. This function does not allocate the result vector. Use TreeliteCreatePredictorOutputVector() convenience function to allocate the vector of the right length and type.

Note. To access the element values from the output vector, you should cast the opaque handle (PredictorOutputHandle type) to an appropriate pointer LeafOutputType*, where the type is either float, double, or uint32_t. So carry out the following steps:

  1. Call TreelitePredictorQueryLeafOutputType() to obtain the type of the leaf output. It will return a string (“float32”, “float64”, or “uint32”) representing the type.

  2. Depending on the type string, cast the output handle to float*, double*, or uint32_t*.

  3. Now access the array with the casted pointer. The array’s length is given by TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize().


    0 for success, -1 for failure

    • handle: predictor

    • batch: the data matrix containing a batch of rows

    • verbose: whether to produce extra messages

    • pred_margin: whether to produce raw margin scores instead of transformed probabilities

    • out_result: Resulting output vector. This pointer must point to an array of length TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize() and of type TreelitePredictorQueryLeafOutputType().

    • out_result_size: used to save length of the output vector, which is guaranteed to be less than or equal to TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize()

int TreeliteCreatePredictorOutputVector(PredictorHandle handle, DMatrixHandle batch, PredictorOutputHandle *out_output_vector)

Convenience function to allocate an output vector that is able to hold the prediction result for a given data matrix. The vector’s length will be identical to TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize() and its type will be identical to TreelitePredictorQueryLeafOutputType(). To prevent memory leak, make sure to de-allocate the vector with TreeliteDeletePredictorOutputVector().

Note. To access the element values from the output vector, you should cast the opaque handle (PredictorOutputHandle type) to an appropriate pointer LeafOutputType*, where the type is either float, double, or uint32_t. So carry out the following steps:

  1. Call TreelitePredictorQueryLeafOutputType() to obtain the type of the leaf output. It will return a string (“float32”, “float64”, or “uint32”) representing the type.

  2. Depending on the type string, cast the output handle to float*, double*, or uint32_t*.

  3. Now access the array with the casted pointer. The array’s length is given by TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize().


    0 for success, -1 for failure

    • handle: predictor

    • batch: the data matrix containing a batch of rows

    • out_output_vector: Handle to the newly allocated output vector.

int TreeliteDeletePredictorOutputVector(PredictorHandle handle, PredictorOutputHandle output_vector)

De-allocate an output vector.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • output_vector: Output vector to delete from memory

int TreelitePredictorQueryResultSize(PredictorHandle handle, DMatrixHandle batch, size_t *out)

Given a batch of data rows, query the necessary size of array to hold predictions for all data points.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • batch: the data matrix containing a batch of rows

  • out: used to store the length of prediction array

int TreelitePredictorQueryNumClass(PredictorHandle handle, size_t *out)

Get the number classes in the loaded model The number is 1 for most tasks; it is greater than 1 for multiclass classification.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • out: length of prediction array

int TreelitePredictorQueryNumFeature(PredictorHandle handle, size_t *out)

Get the width (number of features) of each instance used to train the loaded model.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • out: number of features

int TreelitePredictorQueryPredTransform(PredictorHandle handle, const char **out)

Get name of post prediction transformation used to train the loaded model.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • out: name of post prediction transformation

int TreelitePredictorQuerySigmoidAlpha(PredictorHandle handle, float *out)

Get alpha value of sigmoid transformation used to train the loaded model.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • out: alpha value of sigmoid transformation

int TreelitePredictorQueryGlobalBias(PredictorHandle handle, float *out)

Get global bias which adjusting predicted margin scores.


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor

  • out: global bias value

int TreelitePredictorQueryThresholdType(PredictorHandle handle, const char **out)
int TreelitePredictorQueryLeafOutputType(PredictorHandle handle, const char **out)
int TreelitePredictorFree(PredictorHandle handle)

delete predictor from memory


0 for success, -1 for failure

  • handle: predictor to remove

Handle types

Treelite uses C++ classes to define its internal data structures. In order to pass C++ objects to C functions, opaque handles are used. Opaque handles are void* pointers that store raw memory addresses.

typedef void *ModelHandle

handle to a decision tree ensemble model

typedef void *TreeBuilderHandle

handle to tree builder class

typedef void *ModelBuilderHandle

handle to ensemble builder class

typedef void *AnnotationHandle

handle to branch annotation data

typedef void *CompilerHandle

handle to compiler class

typedef void *ValueHandle

handle to a polymorphic value type, used in the model builder API

typedef void *PredictorHandle

handle to predictor class

typedef void *PredictorOutputHandle

handle to output from predictor