
You may choose one of two methods to install treelite on your system:

Compile treelite from the source

Installation consists of two steps:

  1. Build the shared libraries from C++ code (See the note below for the list.)

  2. Install the Python package.


List of libraries created

There will be two libraries created: the main library, for producing optimized prediction subroutines; and the runtime library, for deploying these subroutines in the wild for actual prediction tasks.

Operating System

Main library

Runtime library




Mac OS X



Linux / other UNIX

To get started, clone treelite repo from GitHub. It is important to clone the submodules with --recursive option.

git clone --recursive
cd treelite

The next step is to build the shared libraries.

1-1. Compiling shared libraries on Linux and Mac OS X

Here, we use CMake to generate a Makefile:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Once CMake finished running, simply invoke GNU Make to obtain the shared libraries.


The compiled libraries will be under the lib/ directory.


Compiling treelite with multithreading on Mac OS X

The default clang installation on Mac OS X does not support OpenMP, the language construct for multithreading. To enable multithreading in treelite, we recommend that you install gcc 7.x using Homebrew:

brew install gcc@7

After g++ is installed, run CMake again with gcc as the C++ compiler:


1-2. Compiling shared libraries on Windows

We can use CMake to generate a Visual Studio project. The following snippet assumes that Visual Studio 2017 is installed. Adjust the version depending on the copy that’s installed on your system.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"


Visual Studio 2015 or newer is required

A large part of treelite has been written using the C++11 standard. Visual Studio 2015 is the first version that supports the new standard to fullest extent.

Once CMake finished running, open the generated solution file (treelite.sln) in Visual Studio. From the top menu, select Build > Build Solution. The compiled libraries will be under the lib/ directory.

2. Installing Python package

The Python package is located at the python subdirectory. There are several ways to install the package:

1. Install system-wide, which requires root permission

cd python
sudo python install

You will need Python setuptools module for this to work. It is often part of the core Python installation. Should it be necessary, the package can be installed using pip:

pip install -U pip setuptools

2. Install for only current user

This is useful if you do not have the administrative rights.

cd python
python develop --user


Recompiling treelite

Every time the C++ portion of treelite gets re-compiled, the Python package must be re-installed for the new library to take effect.

3. Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to locate treelite package

Only set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to tell Python where to find the treelite package. This is useful for developers, as any changes made to C++ code will be immediately visible to Python side without re-running

export PYTHONPATH=path/to/treelite/python
python          # enter interactive session